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Southern Counties 2008 Critique

Puppy dog ( 3) 1 Edwards' Dark and Discreet from Brackenland Well grown and well muscled pup. Good depth for age. Feet a bit slack. Moved well. 2 Murray's Moireach Coll. Still a baby. Good front construction. Should improve as chest deepens. Sound mover. Promising. 3: Taylor's Kilbourne James Dene.

Junior dog (3) 1 Hawkins' Kwaricott Archimago Strong well muscled youngster. Good head with nice dark eyes. Good fore-chest. Well bent stifles. 2 Peach's Kilbourne Fire Chief . Very nice type. Well balanced and unexaggerated. Not rear length of 1 3 Helps Beardswood Oisin

Postgraduate dog (9,1) 1 Girling's Pyefleet Rollo The first word in my notes about this dog was “workmanlike”. Well muscled without coarseness and not unduly tall. Head correctly proportioned with dark kindly eyes and well placed ears. One of the few today with tight well-knuckled feet. Easy true movement. CC 2 Helps' Greyfriars Gillie of Beardswood. Similar type. Straighter front with less forechest. Well muscled and moving out well. 3 Barter' Brutus Fraxinus of Ehlaradawn

Limit dog (10) 1 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Keep the Faith . Not too big but plenty of substance for work. Well angulated and balanced. Moving with drive. RCC 2 Rhodes & Morton's Gentom Peacemaker Finer dog, moving with style. Still immature and should body up and drop into a very impressive dog. 3 Gilhooly & Morrissey's Lord Seafield of Hartvalley

Open dog (3) 1 Helps' Ch Beardswood Marmion Tall, elegant dog in hard condition. Good angulation giving sound flowing movement. 2 Girling's Pyefleet Percy Chunkier dog in hard condition. Overall good conformation. Excellent type but lacking enthusiasm today. 3 Meer's Ch Kilbourne Comanche of Lordswell

Veteran (3,1) 1 Owen & Brodie's Terichline Windrush at Regalflight Lovely seven year old. Typical head with nice dark eye. Well balanced dog in sound condition. Pressed hard for RCC.

Puppy bitch (7, 3) 1 Vayro's Killoeter Nectar Seven month old and fairly mature puppy. Plenty of substance. Well bent stifles and good feet. Moving out well. 2 Murray's Moireach Eriskay Also seven months old but much less mature and smaller over all. Well shaped head with neat ears. Well laid back shoulders and good front extension on the move. 3 Tresh's Trentdale Glamis

Junior bitch (4) 1 Parsons & McKinnon's Claonaiglen Mallie Liked the size of this well balanced youngster. Good front and rear angulation. Well muscled with good tight feet. 2 Taylor's Guinivere Starshire from Kilbourne Similar type and with the same good points. Marginally preferred 1 BP 3.Helps' Beardswood Octavia.

Postgraduate bitch (8, 1) 1 Owen & Brodie's Marandike Ebony's Choice to Wolfscastle Well balanced correctly proportioned bitch with length of body, well angulated front and rear and good feet. 2 Bailey's Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy Liked this one a lot too. Lighter coloured bitch with overall good conformation and good feet, moving freely. Close decision. 3 Vayro's Brackenland Tanis

Limit bitch (9,1) 1 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight a Box of Dreams. Balanced substantial bitch. Dark colour with dark eyes. Neat ears. Well muscled and well angulated. Feet rather flat today but moved soundly. 2 Guise's Saintvalery Dream Girl 6 year old fit active girl. Good length and depth of body and not too tall. Good fore-chest. Well knuckled feet. Good free movement. 3 Murray's Moireach Scottish Eagle

Open bitch (8, 1) 1 Hird's Claonaiglen Albyn at Cloweswood Elegant bitch in hard condition. Length and depth with a good medium height giving the potential to be capable of the work for which she was bred. Good front with fore-chest. Good feet. Free true movement. CC BOB 2. Parsons & McKinnon's Ch Claonaiglen Orrin Litter sister of 1 and so like her in every way. Marginally preferred the movement of 1 today but they will probably change places many times. RCC 3 Guise's Saintvalery Anticipation

Dr M G M McKinnon


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